Saturday, 11 February 2012

Giving up a few things

I have been thinking long and hard about my photography this year and where i would like it to go in 2012. Being a member of the society's i would really like to gain my Licentiate award, to do this i have to submit a panel of 20 images in 1 given area of photography. This got me thinking about everything i offer to my customers and i now feel i am offering too much and not giving myself an opportunity to succeed in 1 area.
I am therefor giving up my bump and baby shoots and also pet photography, i just cannot handle the workload and if i am to gain the qualifications i want then something has to give.
Another reason is due to what the clients want. Looking around my home the other day i noticed the huge amount of pictures my wife has hung up of our beautiful baby boy and also from our wedding day. There is so many different display products and also sizes on our walls, yet most clients asking about bump to baby packages want images on a disc. I feel very sad that people would rather have this so they can put pictures up on social networking sites, then maybe go to their local supermarket for prints and complain the quality is not great. The print quality has nothing to do with me, it's the method in which you are printing. I use the best lab in the country for my prints and wall display products so you can expect a very high standard when ordering from me.

I will be happy to point anyone in the direction of someone that does do these kind of shoots, just ask.