Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Impreza idol

Ewan Stark got in contact with me through Facebook as he was wanting some picture of his beloved Subaru Impreza (aka Lucy) for Impreza idol
The pictures for this had to be pretty basic but we had some fun afterwards and got some shots of Lucy we were both really happy with.
Below is one of my personal favourites. More pictures will be added soon and i will be keeping my fingers crossed for Ewan.

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New studio

Last month i received keys to my very own space that i will be turning into a studio. For the past 2 years i have been doing studio shoots using a spare room at my home, as baby number 2 is due any day now our house will become a little more hectic. Finding a suitable space for me to continue and also grow my photography was a must and after a lot of looking i found a place.
There is decorating to be done in every room, new paint, flooring etc but i love a challenge and Kristeen my amazing wife has been helping too and putting a womans touch to some things despite being 9 months pregnant.
Fingers crossed it should all be ready by the middle of October and will be holding an open day.

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